Lucknow. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today held a video conferencing at evening with religious leaders from across the state. The Chief Minister discussed various aspects and state’s preparedness in preventing the spread of infection. The Chief Minister asked for their suggestions in fighting Corona and assured to implement important suggestions given by religious leaders.
The Chief Minister said it is an infectious disease that does not distinguish between religions. Hence, it is necessary that we all fight it together. He said that the virus has caused many deaths in countries like America, Italy, Spain, and Iran. Because of the quick decision and strong measures taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has been able to control the spread of the virus, he said. Due to timely steps taken by Prime Minister Modi, the spread of corona has stagnated at the second stage. The powerful nations are now looking at India for cooperation, he said.
Chief Minister Yogi shared details of efforts taken by the state, which were successful in preventing the spread of the virus. Things have suddenly changed due to the Tablighi Jamaat, he said. However the situation is still under control, he said. Chief Minister Yogi said that religious leaders are well respected by the society so they can play an important role in spreading right information about the virus.
Revered Mahant of Sankat Mochan temple in Varanasi Vishwambhar Nath Mishra suggested all religious leaders should ask people to follow lockdown. We can ask the police to support the cause, he said. Satua Baba from Varanasi also shared his valuable suggestions.
Maulana Masood Madni from Saharanpur said infected people, who are quarantined, should not feel that they are under arrest. He also suggested that news wrongly attributing the spread of virus to any religion should not be encouraged. Chief Minister Yogi assured that police would not take any coercive action.
Maulana Yasub Abbas and Khalid Rashid Mahli from Lucknow also shared suggestions. Rashid Mahli said that religious leaders should record an audio clip on Corona prevention and Mosques can play it multiple times during the day. He also suggested creating a Corona Warriors Committee to spread awareness among people.
Religious leader of the Shia community, Kalbe Jawwad, said that everyone should sincerely follow the suggestions of doctors and the government.
Sardar Yashpal Singh and the Mahant of Kali Bari, Gorakhpur Ravindra Das too gave their valuable suggestions. Similarly, father Noon from Agra said that despite this week being an important week for Christians, which includes Good Friday, they are conforming to social distancing and have deferred all events.
Narendra Giri, the head of Hanuman temple at Sangam, Prayagraj, shared his views. Mahant from Nirmohi Akhara and Sikh Guru Joginder Singh also shared his views. Religious leaders from Ayodhya suggested creating a lab in the city as many foreigners visit Ayodhya. On which Chief Minister Yogi assured that the government is preparing to open a lab in every district.